Are there any health benefits from the peel of the pomelo citrus fruit?

The largest citrus fruit is the Pomelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck) and as a result the peels generate a significant amount of waste. 

In fact, the peel accounts for approximately 30% of the waste of the pomelo. 

In this paper we describe how to utilize the pomelo peel to recover phytochemicals from the peel as they contain phytochemicals, including aroma-active volatiles, pectin, flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, coumarins, and polysaccharides.

In this review we suggest that the pomelo peel is not waste but rather an untapped resource that has the potential to benefit the food industry and human health. 

The peel of the pomelo has the potential to provide compounds that can benefit high cholesterol, high blood sugar, anti-microbial properties, anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancer properties. 

This paper was published in Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety and with the title “Valorization of pomelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck) peel: A review of current utilization, phytochemistry, bioactivities, and mechanisms of action”

You can access it here

About the author

Dr. Johnson received his PharmD and PhD at the University of Wisconsin where he also completed a clinical research fellowship evaluating phytochemicals and botanical extracts. He is an associate professor and licensed pharmacist he offers a unique perspective on the most current scientific literature related to the health and nutrition. His research program is active and has led to more than 50 publications and published abstracts related to the health promoting properties of natural products, phytochemicals and plant extracts. He has presented some of his research findings at international scientific meetings in the US, Italy, Austria, Israel, France, China, Philippines and Turkey.