ACMAP Conference 2021 – Three abstracts and one presentation delivered

The 10th annual conference for the American Council For Medicinally Active Plants was on June 24-25 2021. 

You can read more about the ACMAP here.

During two days there were a variety of oral presentations and poster sessions from a variety of plant based products. 

From our group we shared the following posters: 

1. Mirielle C. Nauman, Jonghoon Won, Bhaskar Vemu, and Jeremy J. Johnson.  Garcinia mangostana xanthones target drug-resistant androgen receptor mutants for degradation in prostate cancer.

2. Restituto Tocmo and Jeremy J. Johnson.  Structure-activity relationship of isoprenylated xanthones from alcoholic tinctures of Garcinia mangostana leaves and pericarp in targeting Nrf2 and iNOS.

3. Yunying Huang, Mirielle Nauman, and Jeremy J. Johnson.  Evaluating the cholesterol lowering mechanism of bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

I also had the chance to deliver an oral presentation titled, “Considerations for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacokinetics with Phytochemicals”.

The conference was a great opportunity to hear about other exciting research evaluating plants for their medicinal properties. 

Next year the conference is scheduled to be in Puerto Rico. 

About the author

Dr. Johnson received his PharmD and PhD at the University of Wisconsin where he also completed a clinical research fellowship evaluating phytochemicals and botanical extracts. He is an associate professor and licensed pharmacist he offers a unique perspective on the most current scientific literature related to the health and nutrition. His research program is active and has led to more than 50 publications and published abstracts related to the health promoting properties of natural products, phytochemicals and plant extracts. He has presented some of his research findings at international scientific meetings in the US, Italy, Austria, Israel, France, China, Philippines and Turkey.